La Riviera in Madrid, Spain 13/11/2019
After seeing the super special London gig and absolutely stunning versions of some of my favourite songs in Barcelona it was more difficult than it usually is to adjust my mind for the next show. Barcelona just day before Madrid made me speechless. I’ve seen a lot but watching and listening to the performance in Barcelona made me even forget how to breath and one day after that I was still reliving those magical moments and eventually consciously forced myself to move from one atmosphere to another. I did my best to clear my thoughts and tried to be ready to experience a new venue, new audience and new performance and while doing that used a moment to admire how well Mika can do all what he needs to do during tours, to give his everything on stage and then do it all again and again in different cities.
The show started around 9.30 pm and after traveling and a long day I felt myself already a bit tired but as soon as Mika came on stage the feeling disappeared. I loved his outfit in Madrid. I’ve been obsessed with dots since I was a little girl and it makes me smile to see him wearing the dotted shirts he’s currently wearing as a part of his stage outfit. He was moving a lot from one side of the stage to another and I didn’t manage to take any really nice pics of his pale blue suit so just mentioning that those fitted suits are hugely flattering on a tall guy like him and during the first songs I had to use another moment to admire how good he looked on stage.
The setlist was a bit different compared to Barcelona. Mika skipped Blue and added Tomorrow but instead of being devastated for not hearing my favourite song I tried to think it means I can keep the stunning version from Barcelona in my thoughts a couple of more days and didn’t mind and of course it was lovely to hear Tomorrow again. Platform Ballerinas was cheerful and energetic and I was and still am surprised that I like it live this much as I rarely choose to listen to the album version at home. Surprisingly I’m also enjoying Popular much more than I thought in advance. The audience likes it, the vibe is light and relaxed. In Madrid I looked forward to Underwater and Happy Ending even more than I do at every single gig, those two songs give me such a warm feeling and always remind me how lucky and privileged I am every time I have a possibility to hear Mika’s music live. I can’t think any bigger luxury in life.
The band sounds good and I’m getting used to seeing it in its current form. I like seeing familiar faces on the background and think it makes it easier to focus on Mika’s performance. I love it that there’s absolutely nothing Mika can do to surprise Max on stage and now even Tim has to be ready for his shenanigans! I like it how the new drummer hits the drums like it’s his purpose in life and is totally living every moment on stage. The whole band is in colourful outfits and in Madrid the new keyboardist was wearing pink as his power colour and he seemed to have fun.
I’m seeing several gigs in row and after every gig I try to think how that particular show was different compared to the others and what were my favourite moments that night. In Spain we heard Live Your Life during the both gigs. Expected but still nice, it’s a rare song. In Madrid Mika took the Spanish lyrics Becks had written for Tomorrow and didn’t sing the song in Spanish but still read them aloud making her very happy. During his Lollipop introduction he remembered to mention he’s 36 yo and also shared having tasted ice creams and lollipops and after that laughed so hard because realised it was a bit much but obviously couldn’t take his words back. In addition to the songs that I’ve already mentioned above one of my biggest favourites was again Stay High. I still can’t think any better way to end the gig.