Forest National in Brussels, Belgium 14/12/2019

The gig at Forest National in Brussels was sold out and it was heart-warming to see how enthusiastic the Belgian audience was. The noise and cheering after Happy Ending – both after the song and after the ending part – didn’t seem to stop and brought a huge smile on Mika’s face. The whole show was super good and energetic and generally everything went as well as possible for a fantastic night. The stage looked beautiful and I particularly loved watching the piano and had a great view to it. I loved Tiny Love and the piano going high, Platform Ballerinas (the audience really loves it), Underwater with a “guest pianist” in the end, my usual favorite Paloma , Tomorrow (finally, I had so missed it), Happy Ending (with the pretty lights enjoyed it with all my senses) and naturally the whole ending part with balloons, Tiny Love Reprise and Stay High.

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